Type of work
Maritime works
Açu Port
2.438 m
vertical dike
The largest port in America
The largest port in America
It is located 315 kilometers north of Rio de Janeiro. It is the third largest port in the world and the largest in America. This is a deep-water port with a total expected transport capacity of 350 million tons of cargo per year.
The project involves the construction of a 2438 meters vertical dyke, which was executed by manufacturing and anchoring of 49 reinforced concrete segments. One section of dike was also placed in the 600 meters long slope. The first 9 segments were manufactured in the Port of
Algeciras and were transported to the site on semisubmersible barges.
Related projects

Type of work
Maritime works
Adriano Port extension
Adriano Port extension, Islas Baleares
Adriano Port extension, Islas Baleares
The works entailed the construction of a new dock in the port as well as series of other works in part of the existing port. The works involved enhancement of previous facilities and the number and size of the moorings offered, thus providing 82 new moorings for sports boats between 20 meters and 60 meters long. A series of commercial buildings including; workshops and new services facilities for port users were also built.
The caissons were built in the Port of Castellón and then towed to Mallorca.
Related projects

Type of work
Maritime works
Bascule bridge of Barcelona
1,150 m
12 m
The Bascule Bridge in Barcelona was constructed to establish a new land connection between the Poniente and Adosado docks of the Port. The project is divided into two parts; the section of mobile
bridge over the navigation channel built in structural steel and with special piles which house the actuators for the draw bridge; and the access viaducts that connect the base of the docks with the mobile bridge section. The bridge deck at 22 meters above sea level is actuated to enable larger ships to navigate the channel. The combined length of the marine works is 1,150 meters and the bridge is 12 meters wide.
• The total length of the work is 1,150 meters and the width of the bridge is constant 12 meters.
• This bridge can be considered as singular not only its deck but also the main piers, elements that harmonize and complete an almost sculptural ensemble.
Related projects

Type of work
Maritime works
Cocosolo container terminal
The port consists of a pier set on driven, concrete piles braced with 616 meters long pre-stressed, reinforced concrete panels which form the container storage yard and accommodates nine permanent buildings.
Related projects

Type of work
Maritime works
Communication channel construction Port of Valencia
600 m
80 m
7 m
The work consisted construction of a canal of approximately 600 meters long, 80 meters wide and 7 meter deep. Included within the canal construction is a 40 meters wide navigation channel. The canal has been built using walls with precast concrete blocks. The channel allows departure of the boats from the interior dock by the north mouth.
- The works involve significant dredging and cleaning of aggregates complemented by a large backfilling operation.