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- Pedestrian footpath Ronda de la Hispanidad
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- Contenido a mostrar en el detalle de la construcción
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- Descripción
The Ronda de la Hispanidad is a 10.5 kilometre long urban dual carriageway, which surrounds the City of Zaragoza and extends along both banks of the River Ebro.
The typical platform consists of exterior pedestrian pavements, a bicycle lane and double-lane roadways in each direction, with their corresponding verges. It includes all types of urban equipment and its landscape and environmental integration was permanently taken into consideration.
Three structures are worthy of mention: the Ebro Bridge, the Aragón Imperial Canal Aqueduct and Los Pinares de Venecia pedestrian footbridge.
The River Ebro Bridge is 304 metres long and has five spans with a 31-metre wide platform that includes both roadways. The actual river is crossed by a 120-metre span suspended from a single, very slender, mixed steel and concrete arch, located on the deck axis.
The Aragón Imperial Canal Aqueduct. This is a laminar concrete structure that is subjected to powerful service loads, which permits the functional demands (water transport, canal navigability and two 7-metre wide roadways and 3-metre pavements) and resolves the strength problem at the same time. The given edge of a curved section is determined by a high-capacity beam that provides lateral support for the roadways within which the canal runs. The aqueduct consists of three continuous spans of 24, 40 and 24 metres. The total width is 34.4 metres
Los Pinares de Venecia pedestrian footbridge connects the two sides of the recreational area of the same name. It is 86 metres long with a useable width of 3 metres. It is made up of two 550-mm diameter steel tubes, from which the metal lintel is suspended. The arches are in two inclined open planes so that they induce a sensation of great size in the users.
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- Aspectos destacados
- A significant urban communication route. Special care taken in the integration of the Ronda into the urban environment. The execution of three singular structures: one bridge, one aqueduct and one pedestrian footpath.
- Coste (M€)
- 61.936
- Cliente
- Ministry of Development State Highways Department in Aragón
- Fecha inicio
- 1999
- Fecha fin
- 2002
- Latitud
- Longitud
- Localización (url a googlemaps)
- https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d23849.786566212522!2d-0.8721762890035372!3d41.65091482139833!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0x0!2zNDHCsDM5JzAzLjMiTiAwwrA1MScxNi44Ilc!5e1!3m2!1ses!2ses!4v1456330888605
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- Imperial Canal